Women’s Gymnastics (WAG) is composed of four components….
Vaulting shows off the gymnast’s athletic qualities, as the movement is performed after a run-up of about 20 meters. The gymnast must put both hands on the horse. As far as marking is concerned, the judges will evaluate the complexity of the movement, the position of the body, and the landing, which must be perfect.
The Uneven Bars are by far the most spectacular apparatus of the competition. Imagine the strength, the precision, the rhythm, the concentration, and the courage that these girls need to perform their exercises with such simplicity. The gymnast moves from one bar to the other, alternating grip changes, releases and regrasps, saltos and changes of direction with circular swings.
The Beam has a certain magic about it. Many people wonder how the gymnasts manage to perform on an apparatus where balance, acrobatic sequences with or without flight elements, gymnastic jumps and turns all play a role. It is an exercise not only of flexibility, but also of concentration, rhythm and expression.
They fly, do pirouettes, touch the Floor and then leap high again into the air. This exercise is the public’s favourite and they are ready to clap as soon as the music begins. Many gymnasts will tell you that they have had their greatest ovations when performing floor exercises to music. The floor is the area where a gymnast can fully express all her grace, her personality, and her technique, combining acrobatics, gymnastics and dance.
Gymnastics Australia (GA) is the governing body for the sport of gymnastics in Australia. Internationally, gymnastics is governed by the Federation Internationale de Gymnastique (FIG).